Carpe Diem

I know. I know. Right now you are saying to yourself, “Long time no hear from you Diva!” It’s true it was several weeks since my last post. Trials and tribulations have come my way and amazingly I am still standing! God’s grace! Everyone knows the economy is tough. And in times like this it is easy to be frustrated. 

I was lying in my bed one morning this week and I realized I have not had a full-time job in almost a year. Immediately I panicked. “What am I going to do? I have to find a job soon. I know that I have been looking. But I have not put in as many resumes as I should.” Then a sense of calm came over me. I thought to myself. All of the year that I have not had a full-time job, my rent has been paid on time. I have eaten (almost too much). I have enjoyed nights out with friends. I have had amazing success as a freelance designer. More so than in previous years where I had a full-time job at the same time as freelancing. 

The conclusion that I came to is that, What you get out of life depends on what you put in it. Even in this economy, you do not have to sacrifice everything. If you are like me, a person who prefers to have a steady income, perhaps this is not your steady income season. Maybe just maybe this is your season to freelance or start that business you have dreamed of all of your life. Maybe it is time for you to concentrate on family priorities or volunteer for an organization. Do not mistake the current economic situation for life’s ending. Think of it as life’s beginning. The time for opportunity.

Carpe Diem

The Diva

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